Rio & David

Some of you may have been caught doing the last bits of shopping prior to Christmas while others had already started drinking an making merriment in their own way. Rio and David are 1 such couple.

I met Rio way back in October on a trip in Portugal where it came up in conversation about what I do. Her eyes flashed a mischievous interest but I wasn’t sure she was actually going to follow through until I hung out in her room to speak to her partner David all the way back in England at the ungodly hour of 2 in the morning, where I can imagine he was all bleary eyed with sleep to have his girlfriend excitedly ask him: Honey, how do u want to do a movie for Real Couples? U download, Rios motive might have been because she badly wanted to fuck a bloke in the arse with a strap on. I said, @Girl, u can do whatever u bothdamn weel want. Just make it hot!’

amateur couples

November rolled by and December came around and I thought I’d give them a call to which they decided after seeing the site that they wanted to go ahead with it and booked the date and there I was, at their place south of the London river. We discussed what they wanted to do and I told them they could be as wild and dirty as they wanna be. Its their show and I don’t censor couples…well, short of some strange voodoo rituals involving human sacrifices maybe..but even then (ha ha- just kidding).

U must understand that Rio and David have sex at Olympian proportions, fucking amongst other things for up to 3 days without sleep. I wont even go into how they do that. I mean once I’ve shot me sperm , I roll over, fart and go to sleep like most normal folk…Ha ha just kidding again. Really. But yes, they paid the price for their vice by walking around sore and stinging for over a week.

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Original post by viki

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