American Cream Pie 2

Now don’t get me wrong, in no way shape or form am I a racist, I just see things in the same way as Bruce Springsteen…and there ain’t nothing wrong with that. Anyways, when I picture American creampies in my head, I see blonde blue-eyed all-American cheerleader types getting gangbanged by whatever team they’re cheering for (or whatever team happens to be around) and while American Cream Pie 2 is a hot movie in it’s own right; it does fall short of my stereotypical expectations.



Now the beginning of each of these scenes is totally fucked up and convinces me that the director’s for American Cream Pie 2 were majorly messed up on drugs…each scene you have two chicks pretending that they are tied up to these chairs and manage to break their bonds…then like any escaped captive; they strip down and start masturbating (like what the fuck man?). Anyways whether these chicks are American or not, they are certainly the type of chicks that belong in porn, because their slutty natures come through the screen full force at you, and speaking of full force, that’s also the way that they like to be fucked. Anyone who says women can’t share should check this out cos for the most part they’re very good about sharing cock for each of these lucky dudes in all five scenes. Overall except for the idiotic beginnings (which you can fast-scan) American Cream Pie 2 was a great and very creamy movie and gets four cream-shooting cocks-up.

Original post by webmaster

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