Archive for the ‘Catalina Cruz Twitter’ Category

Catalina Cruz News

Monday, March 30th, 2009

Hey everyone:) Just a quick update for those that were wondering how Brandon’s surgery went. He is home resting and it went smooth. He is a sleepy guy right now. Thx for the thoughtful e-mails and twitter direct messages.  Boy, is he talkative under the influence and already trying to work, he is a workaholic. no doubt 🙂 He is so happy to be alive. Surgery is a scary thing even if its a quick one. I am a happy girl too.

Anyway, just wanted to pop in to say hello! See you all this Thursday live on my cam!



Original post by Catalina Cruz

Catalina Cruz twitter

Friday, March 27th, 2009

Hello again… ok so I didn’t think I would do it but after a lot of invites to join and try it I am now a twitter virgin:) Here is the link to keep up with my daily nonsense on twitter. I will try and tweet daily….

*sigh* I gave in to the peer pressure. lol

Have a relaxing weekend everyone!!


Original post by Catalina Cruz